Tuesday, July 12, 2011

1 Peter 2:9-10

1 Peter 2:9-10 Pastor Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF 6-12-11

Key verse 2:9 Inspired by and adapted from a message delivered by Dr John Jun at the recent
UBF 50th Anniversary in Seoul Korea, 5-29-11
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
The following was inspired by and is an adaption of a message delivered by Dr John Jun in Seoul Korea at the recent 50th anniversary celebration. It was been modified and adapted to our situation, but essentially I have kept the essence of his message. We could not go to the 50th anniversary celebration, for it would cost too much, but I think it is very important that we review the messages and even the life testimonies, (at our World Mission Night) in order to get catch the spirit of this historical conference. We can catch the vision and the hope that God wants our ministry to have. Last week we studied Mother Sarah Barry’s message concerning Matthew 24, The Signs Of The End Of The Age. This week we are going to learn about our calling and our identity as Christians in this world, from 1 Peter 2:9. Our identity, in a nutshell, is that we are a people chosen by God to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. So let’s sit back and listen to message and renew our identity in the Lord.
About 120 years ago, God spread the gospel across Korea through Western missionaries such as Dr. Underwood. When this country was under Japanese occupation, God used the Pyeong Yang spiritual revival to preach the gospel to every corner of the nation of Korea. We give thanks to God that he established UBF in 1961, and for the last 50 years, sent around 2,000 missionaries out to 93 countries for world campus evangelism.
Today's passage is a letter for the Christians who were scattered in Asia Minor due to the persecution of the Roman Emperor, Nero (AD 54-68). They were treated as criminals, despised, hiding like wanderers under the public order of arrest. They probably wondered who they were in this world and what was their role in the midst of all their hardships. Were they there only to survive, or was their a greater purpose for them in God? We can learn so much from Peter’s encouraging words to them. According to today’s passage, let us ask ourselves, what is our spiritual identity in this world? What is God doing and what is our mission?
Part l: We Have Been Chosen By God To Be Citizens Of His Kingdom (9a,c)
What did Peter say the spiritual identity of the believers, who were scattered like wanderers, was? Look at verse 9a, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God …” The Apostle Peter clearly talked about the spiritual identity and privilege of these believers living in pathetic circumstances. Humanly, they were despised wanderers, considered low class people by the rest of Roman society, scattered in remote foreign countries. Yet, spiritually, they were a chosen people, a holy nation, a people belonging to God chosen to share the blessings of the gospel with the whole world.
Let’s think more about their spiritual identity. First, they are a chosen people, a people belonging to God (9a, b). Isaiah 43:20-21 reads, “The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, 21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.” God chose the Israelites as his own people in the time of the Old Testament. They were God’s people…citizens of God chosen nation. They prided themselves in this fact for centuries. But in the time of the Apostle Peter, Israel was a Roman colony. They lost their identity as the Israelite nation. Some may have wanted to become Roman citizens. But it was very difficult for the Israelites, a people of a Roman colony, to receive Roman citizenship. Unless they paid a huge amount of money, or achieved distinguished services for the Empire, to secure a Roman citizenship was practically impossible (Ac 22:28).
But attaining Roman citizenship was not on the agenda for the new believers. Any of them could receive citizenship in the only real kingdom that counted, the kingdom of God. For you see, in the time of the New Testament, we have become the people of God, citizens of the Kingdom of God, through redemption by the blood of Jesus shed on the cross. It comes through faith in Jesus.
We have also become citizens of the Kingdom of God through the gracious calling of our Savior Jesus. Ephesians 2:18-19, reads, “For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. 19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household,” God declares that we are a people of God, exclusively chosen by him. This is God’s grace. Therefore, we must be sure of his calling, made possible by the blood of Jesus and determine to live as a people of God.
These days, for many people who live in third world counties, or under oppressive dictatorships, their biggest dream is to escape their country to go to America and receive U.S. citizenship. Yet how much more glorious it is to become God's people and citizens of God’s kingdom more than U.S. citizens! We Christians are the citizens in the kingdom of God. This is the best citizenship to obtain. We must have confidence in our heavenly citizenship and value it each day and live in this world as those who are called to be the people of God.
Part ll: Our Spiritual Identity, A Holy Nation (9c, Ex 19:6b)
What is the character of the spiritual nation that we are part of? Look at verse 9c. "But you are... a holy nation". In this world each nation has its own nature, unique culture, and national philosophy. God's nation also has its own nature and character also. American’s character is patriotic, honest and hard working, and believing that nothing is impossible if we put our minds to it. Korean people’s unique character is diligence, hardworking, and quickness. God’s holy nation also has its own character. In Exodus 19:5-6a God said "Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." As we can see from these verses the characteristic of the people in the kingdom of God is holiness and purity. This characteristic is common to all the believers even though they are scattered around the world. It should be the atmosphere that permeates every Christian’s heart, family, church and fellowship. In order to make such a pure and holy character, God's people have been cleansed of their sins by the blood of Jesus. They are enabled to, and must live holy and pure lives, unlike the secular people in the world. This is accomplished by the power of God. Some believers, being tempted by sin, fail to live holy lives and end up being harassed in their hearts and criticized by the people of this world as being hypocrites. Some heavenly citizens live in shame, just as secular people, rather than live in the power and victory that citizens of God’s holy nation should. Most spiritual leaders deplore this compromised lifestyle, lived by some believers, but in most cases they do not know how to effectively tackle the problem. Let us pray that we may be consecrated to Jesus, holy and pure, different from the world. Let us pray to live as a holy nation people.
Part lll: Our Spiritual Identity, A Royal Priesthood (9b)
What does the Lord say is another aspect of our spiritual identity in God? Look at verse 9b. "But you are … a royal priesthood." This verse tells us that our identity is like the identity of a king and a priest, and that is why Peter says, “a royal priesthood”. This is like Melchizedek, the king of Salem (Ge 14:18). Melchizedek was a king and a priest. He is a shadow of Jesus, who is our King of kings and also our faithful High Priest. Through spiritual union with Christ, believers reign over the whole world with Jesus and, at the same time, serve God as priests like Christ (Rev 5:10).
What does the Lord say our spiritual identity is again? Look at verse 9b again. "But you are …. a royal priesthood." In this verse the verb ‘are' is in the present tense. This means we are a chosen people, not later in time after the Tribulation, but right now and we will continue to be so. We are called to be a royal priesthood now. Even though we are sinners and some may even be despised people in this world, from God's point of view, we are all a royal priesthood. Even though we may be rejected or scattered like the early Christians, God appointed us as a royal priests. Do you accept and believe that you are a royal priest of God? This is God’s grace. We must hold onto this identity and live with this identity in our hearts.
The Lord appointed our UBF brothers and sisters, shepherds and missionaries as royal priests. This was not just a flattering title to make us feel good. 1 Peter 2:9 is the certificate that we are appointed by the King of kings and the sovereign God, for those who accept it. At first we may accept this word and this hope only theoretically. There are some who feel like they don’t qualify, and, do you know what? They don’t. But we must remember that it is God who makes any of us qualified. Others may feel like they are on top of the world, flying through the air as one taking a first class flight on a luxurious airplane. Most may find themselves in the middle of these two extremes. Which ever person we may be, the truth is, though we are called, the fact is we do not live as royal priests in our practical lives. We must accept God’s grace and our calling and repent and live up to our high calling very practically. We must renew our spiritual identity every morning and be faithful to the fulfillment of our task as a priest working with Jesus.
What then is the task of a priest? In the time of the Old Testament, priests offered sacrifices for the sin of the people (Lev 1:1-17). Yet in the time of the New Testament, Jesus became the atoning sacrifice once and for all, and therefore, we no longer need any other sacrifice. Their second task was to teach the word (Lev 10:11) and third, was to give an intercessory prayer for the people (1 Sam 7:5-9, Ex 32:11-18). Yet, in the time of the New Testament we can learn about the task of a priest through Jesus who is both King and Priest. The task of a priest in this New Testament era is a little different. And so in this time, what is the task of a priest?
First, the task of a priest is to deliver the gospel of salvation. Look at verse 9c. “…that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." This is the purpose of appointing us as his chosen people, as a royal priesthood. It is to declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once, in the region of the Gerasenes, when Jesus healed a man possessed by an evil spirit, the healed man wanted to follow Jesus. But what did Jesus say to him? At that time Jesus said to him, "Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis (Ten Cities) how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed. (Mk 5:19, 20) We too must declare the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light.
As High priest, Jesus taught the word. Therefore another task of a priest is to faithfully spread the life giving gospel. When we were in college, we received the grace of salvation through the gospel. We wonder why young people today don’t accept the Gospel as we accepted it? The people in this generation worship post-modernism and materialism as their gods. This generation ridicules the gospel and despises believers like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah did (Ge 19:14). Even though today's situation is spiritually tough, we must actively teach the word of God, one to one, to young students. We must have confidence in the gospel and boldly preach the life giving gospel like Apostle Paul did with faith.
Second, the task of a priest is to make intercessory prayers for the people. (1 Sam 7:5-9, Ex 28:29). 1 Samuel 7:9 reads, "Then Samuel took a suckling lamb and offered it up as a whole burnt offering to the LORD. He cried out to the LORD on Israel's behalf, and the LORD answered him." In this passage, the Philistines drew near to engage Israel in battle while the Israelites were at Mizpah. Samuel, the judge and priest, sacrificing the burnt offering to the Lord made an earnest intercessory prayer for the Israelites. God answered his prayer and routed the Philistines. Throughout Samuel's lifetime, the hand of the LORD was against the Philistines (1 Sam 7:10, 11).
In this 21st century, we can clearly see the signs of the end of the age. This generation worships all kinds of idols: materialism, hedonism, and technology. It is like the time of Sodom and Gomorrah. There are earthquakes and disasters, it seems in increasing frequency. In particular, about three months ago, a tsunami struck Japan devastating a country which was believed to have been fully ready for all kinds of natural disasters. Despite of their claim that they were fully reinforced and protected by their modern technology, Japanese people now wander with fear of nuclear radiation and further earthquakes and tsunamis. This is not just the problem of Japan. It is a warning of God for all people in the world (Mt 11:24). If we do not serve God but continue to worship the idols of science and money we may face the judgment of God. In light of this, what is our task as royal priests? Like Samuel, we must make earnest, intercessory prayers for the campus students of the world. Prayer is the most potent and effective tool.
At the last Middle East directors' new year conference, one missionary said that he felt helpless when he realized that he and his wife could not do anything for the Muslim country he lived in, which has one of the largest populations in the Middle East. But through studying the Bible and writing a testimony on 1 Samuel chapter 7, he learned that he could make an earnest intercessory prayer for the people of his nation every morning. The Lord would surely cause political earthquakes through his prayers and they would be able to preach the gospel very effectively. The Lord says in 1 Corinthian 15:58 "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." When one missionary in the Middle East continued to make earnest intercessory prayers for the Middle East people, God accepted his prayers and his labor in the Lord was not in vain. There are great spiritual breakthroughs being made in the Middle East even today.
Sometimes we feel that our labor is in vain serving campus mission. There is not much we can do when people may want to listen but don’t want to be disciples. But we are not helpless and our labor is never in vain. We can offer up intercessory prayers, every morning and throughout the week and continue to preach the word and God will surely work. He will surely make many spiritual breakthroughs in us, among us and through us. We must be faithful priests of God. There are breakthroughs among us. Hope is teaching the Bible to Emma. Mark spent time with Isaiah. I am making friends with the Pastor of the Church in DeKalb, Jamie. We are getting ready for two Christian music festivals. Steve is back. The list goes on. We just need to be faithful to our task as a kingdom of priests.
God has used Korea as a royal priesthood for the last 50 years. The founder of UBF, Dr. Samuel C. Lee, sent around 350 missionaries to South East Asia, Germany and to U.S.A. as soon as UBF was born. He gave all the UBF members the direction to make earnest intercessory prayers for Korea and the world. By faith, he sent UBF brothers and sisters as missionaries for world mission. From 1970 to 2010, UBF sent out 3,300 missionaries. God used these missionaries to pioneer and raise disciples in North America, Europe, CIS, South America, Australia, Africa, and the Middle East. God used Korean brothers and sisters as royal priests. And God still does. Our Korean brothers and sisters have worked hard to be used by God as a royal priesthood for 50 years. Now is not the time to retire. But the Lord appoints, not only the Koreans, but all people of all nations, to be a royal priesthood. He does not want anyone to retire from the priestly duty.
I thank and praise the Lord who saved sinners with the Gospel, the word and the Holy Spirit and appointed them as a royal priesthood. I praise the Lord that he has been using UBF and America as a kingdom of priests for the whole world. Through this passage we have tasted the grace of God, that despite of our own sins and our unworthiness and under qualifications, God has chosen us by his grace. When we were orphans in this world, with no place to call home, he has made us into citizens of his heavenly kingdom. And what a privilege and honor that is! It carries with it all kinds of privileges and also all kinds of responsibilities. We are chosen to be two things, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. As a kingdom of priests we must preach the word of God and pray. We must lead others to our only and true High Priest Jesus Christ, who is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. As a holy nation we must live holy and pure lives in this world. We must declare the praises of him who called us out of the darkness into his wonderful light. Christians who are called by God, should continue to devote themselves to the task of living as a royal priesthood. Look at 1 Peter 2:9 once again. "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." I pray that we may renew this certificate of appointment from the Lord, found in 1 Peter 2:9. In Christ, we are a royal priesthood and so we must faithfully fulfill that responsibility. We can through faith in Jesus and the power of God manifest in his word and in his spirit. Let us read our key verse once again, 1 Peter 2:9, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

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