Friday, May 1, 2009

Easter Bible Conference Report

The Gospel Of Peace

Triton/NIU UBF Easter conference report By Shp Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF

Acts 10:36, “You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, telling the good news of
peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.”
On April 10th to 12th, Triton UBF and NIU UBF held an Easter Bible Conference entitiled, “The Gospel Of Peace.” The title of the conference was, “The Gospel Of Peace.” The key verse is “You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, telling the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.” (Acts 10:36) Sixty seven people (12 of which were from NIU UBF), gathered at beautiful Timber Lee Wisconsin, about a 2 hour drive from Chicago. A “lee” is a place of shelter. Timber-lee is spiritual shelter in this world. It is a Christian conference and retreat center under the auspices of the Evangelical Free Church of America. It is located near the southern part of Wisconsin’s Kettle Moraine State Forest. The site encompasses over 600 acres of wooded, rolling scenic land. Its mission is to create engaging communities where people can encounter Christ through a dynamic camp experience. Our ministries last met at Timber-lee in 1995. Some attendants were high school students then, coming to Jesus for the first time. Several of these people returned to Jesus, at this same place, 14 years later.
Conference preparation began with two weeks of prayer meetings held at Triton. At these prayer meetings, God prepared our hearts through deep, verse by verse, Bible studies of 1 Corinthians 15 with Shepherd Teddy. Different groups worked hard to prepare a Student drama and CBF drama and an dramatic dance dedicated as a prayer for India pioneering work. Our music team worked hard to prepare inspiring praise music and special songs.
After a very effective “ice breaker” activity, led by Charisma Magno, the opening message was delivered by Andrew Norte, (NIU Music education), entitled, “Jesus, The Resurrection And The Life” based on John 11:25,26. We learned that where Jesus is there is hope, power, life and victory. In Christ, we can come out of the power of death, right now and live a life of faith. Andrew bore a double cross. He offered up his music talents to serve the music ministry, even premiering an original solo, “That’s The Power Of The Gospel.”
That evening we heard come inspiring life testimonies. Bamidele Taiwo (Business grad, Concordia University) shared how, at the age of two, he became disabled after falling out of a two story window. His parents loved and prayed for him. Jesus helped him overcome his bitterness. He does not live as a disabled man, but as a man of faith who has complete hope and trust in Jesus. He graduated in 2008 with a business degree from Concordia University. He prays to be a short term missionary to Argentina.
Kate Yoshida (political science grad) In the past she thought God was a punishing God keeping us under constant surveillance. After a conversation with Shp Teddy, she came to a realization that saving faith was not a matter of feelings, but it is a decision of faith based in the truth of God in the Bible. She came to know the God of grace and truth personally.
Tim Sagel (Electrical Engineering 3, NIU) gave his heart to write his first life testimony. He wrote 13 paged and reduced it to 5 pages. He could see how God saved a lonely, single seed and is helping him to be a shepherd for lost souls. God has been his friend over the years and has been training him to be shepherd and, one day an electrical engineer. Tim humbly received “revising” training from Julie Jesmer. He prays to be a blessing at the upcoming European Summer Bible Conference.
Lucy Kasango was our fourth sharer. She is from Zaire and is married to Elijah Kasango. She shared her sorrow that two of her three children were born with sickle cell anemia. She felt guilty about bringing them into the world. She suffers when she sees them in pain. But she found salvation and peace through trusting in the sovereignty of God. In God, there are no mistakes and God has a good purpose for her family, especially her children. She was released from self condemnation and received new joy and new life.
The second day began with group Bible studies. God raised up ten group study leaders. My leader was Rebekah Heusel. (daughter of Carl and Wendy Heusel) Though she is young, she prepared with her whole heart and boldly led sticking to the word of God. The message that followed was delivered by Ian Turner of Triton UBF. His message was based on Peter’s sermon found in Acts 3:11-21 entitled, “In The Name Of Jesus” Through his message we learned that we always have something to offer to the people, that is, the mighty name of Jesus and his life giving Gospel. Through faith in the power of Jesus we can do anything that God calls us to do. Ian also showed us that through sincere repentance, times of refreshing will come from the Lord. Ian had a double cross. One was message preparation and the other, leading the Triton/NIU Praise band.
That afternoon most people gave their hearts to testimony writing and sharing. Most people wrote and shared. The kids prepared together. There was free time. Many went horseback riding, others hiked and played sand volleyball. The highlight of the afternoon was Tim Lopez’s baptism by Shp Teddy. 60 people gathered at an amphitheater descending to a lake. In the cold water, Tim was baptized. It was his public declaration of his faith and his dedication of his life to following Jesus a shepherd and Bible teacher.
That evening Daniel Pitts delivered a message entitled, “Made Alive in Christ” based on Ephesians 2:1-10. Though Daniel is young, (High School Jr.) he delivered a powerful, clear and repentant message. God opened his eyes to see the he spent a lot of time doing nothing and accomplishing nothing. To him, church was boring. But after his baptism, his heart was changed. He decided to seek after God and engage his heart through Bible reading and prayer. His soul came alive in Jesus and encouraged all to come to Jesus to receive new life. After his message we heard some chosen testimonies, written that afternoon. Katherine Portugal (Triton College), shared about God’s work in her, who led her out of a faith based in culture and traditions to a faith based on faith in Jesus alone. Maggie Herrera (Criminal Justice, Triton College) thanked Jesus for freeing her from this world and its many lies and helping her to be found in Christ. Katalina Escobar (Triton College) lived a hedonistic, pleasure seeking life. But Jesus intervened and worked a miracle. He saved her from many destructive vices and even provided a sponsor for school. Sarah Jimenez confessed that though she had wandered from Jesus over the last 14 years, God has kept her. This conference, she was reminded of Jesus’ grace and vowed to return to her first love, Jesus. She committed herself to studying the Bible, 1:1 with Grace Norte and following Jesus, her Lord and Savior, once again.
Later that evening we were blessed with several presentations. The NIU UBF prepared a dramatic dance based on the Bollywood “Jai ho” dance at the end of “Slum Dog Millionaire”. In the dance a Hindu girl is converted by two missionaries. She receives some persecution, but overcomes and co-works with the missionaries to help convert her own people. Grace Norte and Mary Cedeno and Sarah Jimenez co-worked to produce a CBF drama based on 1 Corinthians 15. Triton Bible Club, led by Charisma Magno, produced a drama vividly depicting the suffering of young people who are living under the power of death. It was shockingly real but effective to reveal how the Gospel of Jesus has power to free anyone from the power of sin to give them new life. That night, students shared joyful fellowship around the campfire singing Kumbaya.
On the last day of the conference, we heard a message delivered by Shp Kevin Jesmer of NIU UBF entitled “The Gospel of Peace”, based on Acts 10:1-48. Through his message, we can see how God wants all people of all nations to receive the Gospel of Jesus. When any person, who repents of their sins and comes to Jesus, by faith, they are forgiven by God and become part of God’s family. They not only receive the forgiveness of sins, but also eternal life. They receive the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding.

The closing message was delivered by Shp Michael Norte. It was based on Acts 2:17, “Vision Possible” He pointed out that after receiving the forgiveness of God and freedom from sin God fills our hearts with his visions of his kingdom and his life giving work spreading throughout this world. As God’s people we are full of hope and vision in Christ. The young people of America can have this hope and vision when they repent and give their lives Jesus. It all starts when they begin to study the Bible, seeking to know Jesus. Michael left us with the question, “What is your vision for yourself and your ministry?”

At the end of the program, Shepherd Teddy led everyone in the reading of Romans 10:8-13, with special emphasis, that “…everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (13) He helped people to realize that all have sinned and need to come to Jesus to receive the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Then something historical happened. Shp Teddy initiated and altar-call. Half of the congregation came to the front to be prayed for. Many people shed tears of repentance and release. We pray for all who answered the altar call to give their lives to Jesus and serve him alone.
We thank God for many aspects of this conference. God sent about 14 new young people. Nearly everyone attended all the meetings and wrote testimonies. The praise and worship music was excellent. Everyone had a hand in serving the conference, from the music, to the dances the dramas, the messages and testimonies. We rejoiced at the fact that several people from the Triton Bible Club have been making the transition from the Bible club to 1:1 Bible study. The altar call, the baptism, the life testimonies are all evidences that the kingdom of God is advancing among us. So many times we have studied about post modern youth, how they are relational. I could see it at this conference. I could see the members of Triton Bible Club growing in friendship. They have an identity as a Triton Bible Club members. I could see people singing arm and arm. I thank God for leading my five children to the altar call, some of them had tears in their eyes. I thank God for bringing Miranda Forde (11 yrs old). She confessed that she came for fun, but I believe that she learned a lot about Jesus and is one step closer to meeting Jesus personally and the closest of all my kids’ friends to being a growing disciple of Jesus. Mandy Halek has new humble spirit and God used this conference to help her renew her spiritual life. Tim found new joy through meditating on and sharing the grace of God. Tim and Jennifer had joy serving the praise and worship times. Our family, Tim and Mandy Halek found joy serving the dramatic dance. Kathleen Haskins (RN) came to the conference on Saturday night. She called it a spiritual feast. She recommitted herself to more frequent daily bread prayer times with our family. Indeed the Gospel of Peace brought true peace and true joy to all of our hearts.

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