Friday, March 27, 2009

Acts 28:1-31

Paul Preaches The Kingdom Of God In Rome

Acts 28:1-31 Lesson 31
Key verse 31 3-22-09

“Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the
Lord Jesus Christ.”

Today we come to the final chapter in the book of Acts. It is a beautiful chapter that displays the grace and kindness of God, the glorious image of Christ in Paul, and the fulfillment of God’s redemptive purpose through Paul. At last, Paul arrives in Rome and begins to preach the gospel as a prisoner in a rented house. We can learn many things. Especially we can learn how God works through events and through small house churches like Paul’s rented apartment. May the Holy Spirit guide our study today.

First, God Is Kind (1-2).

God was guiding them according to his perfect will. Look at verse 1. “Once safely on shore, we found out that the island was called Malta.” Malta was just south of Sicily, near Italy. During the storm, they seemed to be driven at random. But when it was over, they were very near Rome, right where God wanted them to be. God is always good. Even through the storm, everything turned out for good. We can trust God in the midst of storms of life.

God revealed his kindness to Paul and his companions. Look at verse 2. “The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold.” Paul and his fellow travelers had been wet, cold, tired, hungry, constantly in suspense and suffering from despair for two weeks. There were 276 of them. Some were prisoners. However, the islanders treated them with unusual kindness. It was expressed by a big, warm fire. It was not a small matter to care for the needs of these unexpected guests. They served them for three months. Let’s to do the math. Three months equals 2,700 meal times. Multiply that by 276 people. That equals 745,200 meals served. Plus providing for their linens, doing laundry and providing toiletries and entertaining the men would put a huge burden on these islanders. That would have taken the concerted effort of dozens of people and the equivalent of thousands of dollars in groceries. They remind us of Abraham and his family serving the three strangers in Genesis 18:1-15. We can learn generosity from these idol worshiping islanders. Christians should even be more generous. 2 Corinthians 9:10-11 reads, “10Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. 11You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Let’s think about the words “unusual kindness,” Luke suggests it was inspired by the kindness of God. God disciplines, but God also shows kindness. Many times this is expressed through people in our lives, sometimes through providential events. The struggle with the storm lasted two weeks. But God’s kindness through the islanders on Malta lasted for three months. Some people think that God only gives hard training. But God is far more kind than he is strict. In fact, kindness is part of the character of God (Ge 39:21; Ps 18:50; Jer 31:3). We should realize that God is kind and thank him for all his kindness in our lives, even on the midst of our hard trials. We should also be kind, for God is kind and kindness is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22).

Second, The Image Of Christ In Paul (3-10).

In verses 3-10 we see the glorious image of our Lord Jesus Christ in Paul. First, Paul had Jesus’ servant image. Verse 3 says that Paul was gathering a pile of brushwood to put on the fire. Paul was a great man of God. He was one of the leaders of the early church. He had been the source of God’s salvation for all those who were on the ship. He should have been respected and honored and served. But he did not sit down, expecting to be served. He got up to gather wood for the fire. He was ready to perform a menial tasks for those around him. Paul had learned how to serve like Jesus did. Jesus did menial tasks like foot washing. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mk 10:45).

Second, Paul had victorious, resurrection faith like Jesus. As Paul was putting the wood on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. One bite from such a viper is fatal to a human being, causing their airway to swell up, stopping their breathing and causing their heart to stop. Paul could have died on Malta, so close to Rome. When the islanders saw the snake hanging from Paul’s hand, they said to each other, “This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live” (4). Here we see that the islanders had a vague knowledge of God, for they believed in divine justice. But their thought world was very fatalistic. They felt that God was like their pantheon of gods who are ready to mead out punishment on people and who must always be appeased. They didn’t know our gracious and compassionate God.. They lived by cause and effect. As a result they were under the power of sin and death. Their influence could have caused Paul to think fatalistically, thinking, “I am a murderer. God is punishing me for killing Stephen years ago.”

What did Paul do? Look at verse 5. “But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.” Paul did not have any element of fatalistic thinking. He shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects. Paul had gospel faith. He believed the forgiveness of sins and eternal life in the kingdom of God. He believed God’s promise of protection. He trusted that God would protect him from the snake’s toxins. In this way he was victorious over all the forces of darkness. Jesus promised his disciples in Mark 16:18a says, “...they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all....” This promise is given to all who believe in Jesus and preach the gospel. This does not mean that we purposely go and look for dangerous situations to put ourselves into. But in the course of serving Jesus, God will protect his servants. In this way we can even invite strangers to Bible study and we can be missionaries to far off countries.

In the course of serving God, we sometimes experience unexpected spiritual viper attacks. We can feel the poison of fatalism and despair enter into our bloodstream. Sometimes others misunderstand our struggles and are ready to pronounce that we are defeated because of our sins and shortcomings. But we learn from Paul to shake off the snake into the fire, trusting absolutely in God’s forgiving grace and love that protects, continuing to move forward. We must claim victory over the darkness by faith in Christ. For example, the devil tries to accuse God’s people, night and day. He usually tries to hold our sins over our heads whispering, “God doesn’t love you anymore. You’re too sinful and far gone to be a child of God.” But we must hold onto Gospel faith and know that the power of the devil, afforded by our own sinful nature, has been defeated by Christ. Romans 6:11 says, “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” We are no longer under the power of sin. By the grace of Christ we now live a new life. We must shake off the vipers and overcome its venom with absolute faith in God’s love.

Third, Paul had the image of Jesus who heals the sick. The islanders expected Paul to swell up or suddenly fall dead. So they watched him carefully for a long time. But nothing unusual happened to him. Then they thought of him as a god. Through this, their hearts were opened to Paul’s message and ministry. Look at verses 7-10. The chief official of the island, called Publius, had an estate nearby. He welcomed Paul and his companions to his home and showed them hospitality. Publius’ father was sick in bed with a fever and dysentery. Paul went in to see him. After prayer, Paul placed his hands on him and healed him. It was a miracle. This fulfilled Jesus’ promise in Mark 16:18b where he said, concerning his disciples: “...they will place their hands on sick people and they will get well.” Then the rest of the sick on the island came to Paul. One by one he healed them all.

Paul was a blessing to the islanders. As a result, the islanders were happy to care for the needs of Paul and his companions. The islanders honored them and furnished supplies when they left. Through the beautiful scene on Malta, we are inspired by the glorious image of Christ in Paul. Like Paul, we must grow to maturity in our faith in Christ until we can be a source of blessing to those around us.

Third, Paul Arrives In Rome And Thanks God (11-16).

Paul and his companions were fully refreshed through God’s grace poured out on them at Malta. When the weather became suitable for sailing, they put out to sea in an Alexandrian ship with the figurehead of the twin gods Castor and Pollux, the patron gods of sailors. Their appearance on the ship reminds us that the world was heavily under the influence of idols and false gods. It was a world that desperately needed the gospel of Jesus.

From Malta, they sailed to Syracuse on the island of Sicily. Then they sailed to Rhegium on the Italian peninsula. Two days later they arrived at Puteoli, known as the port of Rome. Look at verse 14. “There we found some brothers who invited us to spend a week with them. And so we came to Rome.” At last, Paul arrived in Rome. Paul first mentioned Rome after seeing God’s great work in Ephesus. Acts 19:21 says, “After all this had happened, Paul decided to go to Jerusalem, passing through Macedonia and Achaia. ‘After I have been there,’ he said, ‘I must visit Rome also.’” Paul was delayed by imprisonment and trials. But in Acts 23:11, the Risen Christ stood beside him and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” Later, in the terrible storm, the Lord’s angel said to him, “Do not be afraid Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar...” (Ac 27:24). At last, Paul was standing on Roman soil.

God encouraged Paul through other Christians. Look at verse 15. “The brothers there had heard that we were coming, and they traveled as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us. At the sight of these men Paul thanked God and was encouraged.” The distance the brothers traveled to meet Paul was considerable. Many of them did not know Paul personally. But they recognized him as God’s servant and honored his arrival. It was the work of God. God had gone ahead of Paul to begin world mission work in Rome. When Paul saw them, he thanked God and was encouraged.

We must learn from these Christians. They went out of their way to encourage a servant of God. We need to make time to serve them with delicious meal, some spiritual conversation, campus visits and the sharing of prayer topics. Over the years we have had many servants of God visit us at NIU UBF. I remember how blessed it was to serve the Oral Roberts University Praise band and the missionaries from New Zealand. We could serve 30 UBF shepherds last December in preparation for the Christmas service. I am thankful for our co-workers who greeted our UBF publishing team, last Thursday. We must always be determined to go out of our way to host and serve and encourage servants of God.

Fourth, Paul Preaches The Gospel In Rome (17-31).

Paul did not waste time. Three days after his arrival, he called together the leaders of the Jews and talked with them (17-20). Paul’s ministry in Jerusalem was not random. He followed the principle of Jesus’ ministry, “First for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” He began with the Jews. Paul wanted them to know that he was innocent. He was in prison because of Jewish political pressure. But he had not retaliated with a counter suit. He understood his imprisonment spiritually. It was because of the hope of Israel that he was in chains. Here the hope of Israel refers to the hope that the long awaited Messiah would come and save his people and establish the kingdom of God. This long awaited Messiah is Jesus Christ.

The Jews in Rome were already predisposed against Christianity. But they agreed to listen to Paul and came in large numbers to meet him (21-22). Paul took the opportunity to preach the Gospel boldly. Look at verse 23b. “From morning till evening he explained and declared to them the kingdom of God and tried to convince them about Jesus from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets.” Paul’s message was the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is where God is King. God’s kingdom is in the heart of his people. Without the kingdom of God, men are ruled by sin and death. They constantly live in fear and anxiety. They become slaves of the devil. But whoever willingly accepts Jesus as the King sent by God, can receive the kingdom of God in his or her heart. All the power of sin and death is driven out. God rules them with peace and love. At that time, the world was a Roman world. Nero was the Emperor. The Roman Empire was like a brute beast that crushed and devoured its victims and, at the same time, utterly corrupted its members. But Paul declared the kingdom of God in Rome, the heart of the Roman Empire. That is like proclaiming the Gospel in Mecca. Paul hoped that the Jews in Rome would be Bible teachers and that God would use them to evangelize the Roman Empire as missionaries.

Paul also tried to convince the Jews that Jesus is the Christ, sent by God. But Jesus was not the kind of Christ they wanted. Jesus came to save men from their sins through his death and resurrection. But the Jews wanted an economic or political messiah. A few of them believed, but most of them did not. In the end the Jews left, arguing vigorously among themselves. (29) What a terrible result it seemed to be. They did not become the emissaries of Christ as Paul had hoped.

How did Paul handle this? Paul understood the rejection of the Jews on the basis of God’s word (25-28). It was the fulfillment of prophecy. Paul saw where God’s work and history were going. God’s salvation was being sent to the Gentiles. As Simeon prophesied, Jesus is the Light to the Gentiles (Lk 2:32). There are no surprises to God. There is only the fulfillment of prophecy. In the time of rejection we must have eyes to see what God is doing based on his word.

Look at verses 30-31. “For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.” Humanly speaking, Paul was a prisoner. He was confined under house arrest. He could not go out to meet potential Bible students in the market places freely. But God sent him many interested Roman Bible students, one after another, who came to see him. And Paul welcomed them. Paul preached the kingdom of God to them and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. No doubt he taught them that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. And God raised Christ from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures. One by one, Roman citizens and soldiers received the forgiveness of sins and eternal life in the kingdom of God. They brought their faith home to their families. In this way the Christian church in Rome grew.

To human eyes, Paul’s preaching the kingdom of God under Roman confinement seemed insignificant. He was not the pastor a huge megachurch. He was a prisoner in a small apartment. But in God’s eyes, Paul’s house church ministry was a new beginning of world history, that would see the Roman Empire defeated by the Gospel of Jesus. In the next three hundred years, through the seeds planted by Paul small housechurch ministry, and through innumerable unnamed Christians, God turned the Roman Empire into a Christian Empire. In 313 A.D. the Emperor Constantine declared Christianity to be the national religion. God’s kingdom was not contained by the Roman Empire. God’s kingdom has been steadily advancing steadily through house churches like Paul’s conquering empire after empire over the last 2,000 years. Two years ago some people tried to start a mega church style ministry in Kazakhstan. On the first Sunday 2,000 people showed up to worship. This caught the government’s attention and they outlawed all churches except the Russian Orthodox Church and Islam. But they can not stop the house church ministries proliferating through the countries of the former Soviet Union. Today there are over 90 million house churches in China. One day the communist system will bow its knee to Jesus. North Korea will be changed. The Muslim world will be changed through small house church ministries like Paul’s.

A recent survey on religion in America is shows that the membership of centuries old mainline churches are declining. Many have let go of Gospel faith in blend in with the surrounding culture, even supporting alternative life style marriages. We must know that God’s church is not confined in these mainline institutions. God’s church was found in the manger of the baby Jesus. It was found in the prison where Paul and Silas was held. God’s church is found through Paul’s gospel preaching in the rented house in Rome. God’s church is in the individual Christian homes throughout America in which men and women fear God, live a holy life, and preach the kingdom of God. In this way we can see in Paul’s house church the whole church of God. May each of us live as a house church like Paul. May Jesus centered house church ministries me established on every campus in the USA and Canada.

UBF USA and Canada has grown like a spreading vine. It now covers many cities and states. But in essence we are a house church ministry. We are a manger ministry. We must value quiet devotion to Christ in the house church more than a glamorous mass movement. We must highly value personal faith in Jesus and personal piety. We must keep up one-to-one Bible study. We must keep our message focused on the kingdom of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. As we do so, God will make North America a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

The book of Acts ends here. In fact, it ends with a new beginning. Human history is always changing. But the work of God is flowing steadily from one generation to the next through the life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ. The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord. As a conclusion to Acts study, let’s renew our gospel faith and world mission vision. Let’s renew our commitment to house church ministry.

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